Chiropractic Care for Neck & Back Problems: How To Get the Relief You Need in Tremonton, Utah

Chiropractic treatment from a physical therapy specialist in conjunction with exercise is an excellent alternative to treating lower back pain and neck issues. Instead of risking the side effects of medication or the aftermath of surgery.

Whether you should get chiropractic care for your injury depends on your condition's severity. 

Call 208-890-7786 to to schedule an appointment.

What Does a Chiropractor Do for Neck and Back Pain?

The goal of the treatments is to improve your body's function and improve your spine's motion. To treat back pain, a chiropractor will use an instrument or their hands to apply a sudden (and controlled) force to your spinal joints.

They will tug on your neck to stretch your cervical spine at various angles when tackling neck pain.

Many know of these procedures as spinal manipulations.

Is It Good To Have Your Neck Adjusted by a Chiropractor?

It is good to have your neck adjusted by a chiropractor. It can help relieve pain and tension in the neck and shoulders. And can help improve your posture.
Chiropractic care for necks is safe when performed by a trained and licensed specialist.
If you have severe arthritis, osteoporosis, issues with your nervous system, and bone fractures, you will want to see a doctor.

Is Chiropractic Effective for Things Other Than Back Pain?

Chiropractic care is also effective for treating the following symptoms and conditions:

  • Headaches
  • Pain in the joints of the arms or legs
  • Fatigue
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Whiplash
  • Muscle tension
  • Degenerative disc disease

Chiropractic treatments have also effectively treated carpal tunnel syndrome in some patients.

Some studies suggest that it may help treat other conditions like hip osteoarthritis.

This type of therapy can help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. Fixing these areas in your body can help eliminate strains, improve body movement, and treat various disorders.

Are there risks or pain associated with spinal manipulation?

How Often Do I Need To See a Chiropractor for Back and Neck Pain?

The number of times you need chiropractic treatment for neck and back pain depends on your specialist's recommendations. In instances where you experience more severe symptoms, you will need to visit a chiropractor 3 to 4 times a week. Meanwhile, you may need weekly treatments if your problem is not bad.

What Should I Expect at My First Visit to a Chiropractor?

You will need to provide your health history during your first chiropractic appointment. You will then need to explain any current pain or discomfort in detail.
The physiotherapist will then perform a physical examination.
If they believe you could benefit from chiropractic adjustments, they will likely perform a series of tests. These will check your reflexes, muscle strength, and range of motion.
These tests will help them to determine which areas of your spine are out of alignment and need adjustments. The chiropractor can also tell you how severe the misalignment is and treatment options to correct it.
From there, chiropractors will devise a treatment plan. This will likely include a chiropractic adjustment, at-home exercises you can perform, and other treatments you can try. Like applying ice or heat to your back and neck.

How Do I Prepare for an Appointment With a Chiropractor?

Besides gathering your medical information (e.g., family medical history), you do not need any prior preparation for your appointment.

You may want to dress in loose-fitting clothing. Doing so will make you feel more comfortable during your appointment.

Book a Visit With a Chiropractic Specialist Today in Tremonton, Utah

Chiropractic care offers an excellent alternative to surgery, medications, and other alternative treatments like acupuncture. It can help return mobility, reduce stiffness and aches, and improve your overall quality of life.

Other services we offer alongside chiropractic care include:

Call 208-890-7786 to learn more about the benefits of using our services. Or use the contact form below to get more information on our specialists.

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